Position for an EU funded postdoc scholarship on drug repurposing for difficult to treat mental disorders based on epidemiological and genetic data in Norway and Denmark is now open. To learn more: https://www.uio.no/dscience/english/dstrain/research-areas2025/pharmacy/drug-repurposing-in-the-era-of-large-scale-observa/index.html
Secondly, there is also a proposal for another postdoc project on ML and causal inference:https://www.uio.no/dscience/english/dstrain/research-areas2025/pharmacy/uiobighealth-improving-causal-inference-using-mach/
If you know suitable candidates around the world that would like to apply and are interested in the research topic, please feel free to share the application link:
https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/273057/dstrain-msca-postdoctoral-fellowships-in-computational-and-natural-sciences-up-to-18-positions as well as the theme I proposed (the link above).