
The board consists of seven ordinary members and two alternates. Alternates attend all meetings and contribute to the board’s work in the same way as the ordinary members. As of November 1, 2023, the board consists of:

Board member, chair and LVS representative 

Mette Bliddal

Associate Professor, PhD
OPEN, Odense University Hospital University of Southern Denmark

Board member, vice-chair, NorPEN representative

Kristine Højgaard Allin

Associate Professor, MD, PhD
Center for Molecular Prediction of
Inflammatory Bowel Disease – PREDICT,
Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Board member, social media manager

Cathrine Hjorth

Postdoc, MSc, PhD
Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology
Aarhus University & Aarhus University Hospital

Board member, DSF and LVS representative

Marie Lund

Staff Specialist, MD PhD
Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology
Bispebjerg & Frederiksberg Hospital

Board member, DSF representative

Tea Skaaby

Head of Department, MD, PhD, Med.Sc.D.
Real-World Evidence, Data Analytics and Clinical Outcome Assesment
LEO Pharma A/S

Board member, treasurer

Lotte Husemoen

Principal Epidemiologist, MSc, PhD
Real World Science
Novo Nordisk A/S

Board member, webmaster

Signe Sørup

Clinical Specialist, MSc, PhD
Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology
Aarhus University & Aarhus University Hospital

Alternate, webmaster

Nils Skajaa

Senior Epidemiologist, MSc, PhD
Real World Science
Novo Nordisk A/S

Alternate, secretary, DSF representative

Helene Kildegaard

PhD Student, MD
Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy, and Environmental Medicine
University Southern Denmark

Previous board members from 1995